Revista Cubana de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencias. Volumen.15, 2016;(3)



English as the scientific publication language

Inglés como el idioma de la publicación científica


Orlando Valdés Suárez1


Cuban Journal of Intensive and Emergencies Medicine. Havana. Cuba.

Countries, where English is not the native language, have to do an additional effort to publish on high-impact international journals which demand this language in their articles. Therefore we consider English as the scientific publication language.

It is not possible we keep updated without reading or studying scientific articles or textbooks written in the English language, on the other side, during conferences, online courses or international congresses, it is essential to know this language.

Nowadays our scientific publication is not one of the best in the area, it means in the Latin-American and the Caribbean countries which contrasts with prestige and protagonist place that Cuban healthcare professionals have got in the practice of medicine and in the area of international health cooperation well known and recognized worldwide.

Many reasons have been identified and studied in connection with this situation for example: a low international cooperation in high-impact researches, few multi-center studies performed and high scientific production but with inadequate citations by investigators, among others, but it is an important limitation that most of the Cuban journals only publish in Spanish language.

Therefore we do not want to change forms or styles of linguistic culture, but it is necessary we must modify our view and see the knowledge, learning and practice of the English language as a vital tool to increase the impact and visibility of our scientific contributions in addition the possibility or opportunity some Cuban authors can publish in high-impact international journals.

We should do our major effort and take our own initiative in each university, health center, project or research to do the English language our friend in the daily work which will be a fundamental step in our academic, practice and investigative proposes.

That is why we should be able to write our scientific articles in English language and publish them in both Cuban and international journals.

Let´s begin to do it!

Versión al idioma Español en el siguiente enlace:

1 Director of the Cuban Journal of Intensive and Emergencies Medicine, Physician Specialist and Professor of Intensive and Emergency Medicine

  • Received: April 21, 2016
  • Approved: May 01, 2016
Orlando Valdés Suárez. Cuban Journal of Intensive and Emergencies Medicine. Havana. Cuba. E-mail:

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